Tonga Power Limited and Northpower Collaborate to Enhance Tonga’s Electricity Reliability and Resilience
Monday 03rd June, 2024
Tonga Power Limited (TPL) is pleased to announce a strategic collaboration with Northpower, a leading electricity network distribution company based in New Zealand, aimed at significantly improving the reliability of Tonga’s electricity network infrastructure. This partnership represents a commitment to enhancing service delivery and ensuring a stable power supply for the people of Tonga, while also building TPL’s capacity for sustainable management of its electricity network.
Network Assessments and Key Findings
In October 2023 and April 2024, TPL’s engineers, alongside Northpower’s Inspection Solutions Team, conducted comprehensive network assessments. Utilizing advanced techniques such as acoustic testing, thermal imaging, and drone inspections, these evaluations revealed areas of network deterioration that require immediate and strategic interventions.
Proactive and Strategic Measures
- Short-Term Strategies
- Immediate Defect Rectification: Address and rectify critical defects identified in the network to stabilize power supply.
- Operational Adjustments: Implement strategic changes to the positioning and operation of network equipment to enhance performance and reduce outage impacts. Estimated Cost: $95,000 TOP
- Completion Date: End of August works currently progressing
- Medium-Term Strategies
- Infrastructure Upgrades: Replace and upgrade critical components of the electricity network, focusing on high-impact areas such as the central business district (CBD).
- Network Reinforcement: Strengthen the existing network infrastructure to improve resilience and reduce the risk of future outages.
- Estimated Cost: $2.6M NZD
- Completion Period: Start mid-October, with a construction period of 8-10 weeks.
- Long-Term Strategies
- Comprehensive Network Plan: Develop and implement a long-term plan for the sustainable management and expansion of the electricity network, including outer islands.
- Standards and Maintenance Enhancement: Simplify and enhance network engineering standards and establish an ongoing preventative maintenance schedule.
- Capacity Building: Invest in technical engineering processes and staff development to ensure the continuous improvement and sustainability of the electricity network.
Acknowledgement and Call for Support
TPL acknowledges the difficulties and inconveniences that customers face due to power outages. These challenges underscore the urgency and importance of the planned works. TPL seeks the understanding and support of the people of Tonga as these critical improvements are undertaken to ensure a more reliable and resilient electricity supply for the future.
Commitment to a Sustainable Future
This collaboration with Northpower symbolizes a significant step towards a reliable and resilient electricity network for Tonga. It reflects TPL’s dedication to the well-being of the community and its commitment to sustainable development.
Together, we are empowering our community with reliable electricity and ensuring a brighter, more sustainable future for Tonga. We deeply appreciate the support of our customers as we work towards these essential improvements.
Fengaue’aki fakataha ‘a e Kautaha ‘Uhila ‘a Tonga moe Kautaha Northpower ke toe lelei ange ‘ae tu’unga falala’anga ‘a e ‘uhila ‘o Tonga.
Monite 3 Sune, 2024

‘Oku fiefia ‘a e Kautaha ‘Uhila ‘a Tonga ke fakaha atu ‘a e fengaue’aki fakataha moe Kautaha Northpower. Ko e kautaha tu’ukimu’a eni ‘i he tafa’aki ’uhila mei Nu’usila pea koe fengaue’aki fakataha ni, ke langaki hake ‘a e tu’unga falala’anga ‘o e ‘uhila. ‘Oku fakafofonga’i heni ‘a ‘emau tukupa ke toe lelei ange ‘emau fakahoko fatongia pea mo fakapapau’i ‘oku ‘iha tu’unga pau mo falala’aga ‘a e ‘uhila ki he kakai ‘o e Fonua.
Sivi’i ‘o e Tu’unga ‘iai ‘a e ‘Uhila moe Ngaahi Ola ne ma’u
‘I he ‘Okatopa 2023 moe ‘Epeleli 2024, na’e ngaue fakataha ‘a e timi ‘esinisini ‘a e Kautaha ‘Uhila ‘a Tonga moe kau mataotao meihe Northpower, ke sivi’i ‘a e tu’unga ‘oku ‘iai ‘a e ‘uhila. ‘I he’enau ngaue’aki ‘a ‘enau ngaahi founga mo’enau ngaahi me’a ngaue fakaonopooni, na’e ‘ilo’i ai ‘a e ngaahi tafa’aki ‘oku fiema’u ‘a e tokanga makehe kiai ‘i he vave taha.
Peesi 1
- ‘Naahi Founga fakalelei’i e palopalema & Founga ke fua’aki ‘a e tu’unga ‘o e Ngaue Ngaahi founga ki he taimi nounou (Short-term)
- Fakalelei’i e palopalema ‘i he vave taha: Fakatokanga’i pea fakalelei’i ‘a e ngaahi palopalema kuo ‘ilo ‘i he vave taha.
- Liliu ki he founga ngaue: Fakahoko ha ngaahi liliu ki he tu’unga moe founga hono ngaue’aki ‘a e mo tokonganeki ‘etau fa’unga ‘uhila ke toe lelei ange pea ke si’isi’i ange ai ‘a e matemate ‘a e ‘uhila.
- Fakafuofua ki he fakamole: TOP$95,000
- Fakafuofua kakato kiai ‘a e ngaue: Faka’osinga ‘o ‘Aokosi 2024, ka kuo ‘osi kamata fakakakato atu ‘ehe kautaha e u ngaahi ngaue ko’eni.
- Ngaahi founga ki he taimi toe ki’i loloa ange (Medium-term)
- Fakalelei’i e fa’unga lolotonga: Fetongi mo fakalelei’i ‘a e ngaahi kongokonga mahu’inga ‘i he laini (network) ‘oku fiema’u ke fetongi kamata meihe ngaahi feitu’u mahu’inga hange ko loto Nuku’alofa.
- Fakamalohia e tu’unga laini tufaki ‘uhila (network): Fakamalohia mo fakalelei’i e tu’unga laini tufaki ‘uhila lolotonga (network) ke si’isi’i ange ai ‘a e matemate ‘a e ‘uhila.
- Fakafuofua ki he fakamole: $2.6M NZD
- Fakafuofua kakato kiai ‘a e ngaue: Konga ki loto ‘o ‘Okatopa, ngaue ke fakahoko he uike 8-10.
- Ngaahi founga ki he taimi loloa (Long term)
- Palani faka’auliliki: Fa’u mo fokotu’u ha palani ki he taimi loloa, ki hono tokanga’i moe fakalahi ‘o e laini tufaki ‘uhila (network) kau kiai moe ngaahi ‘otumotu
- Fakalelei’i e tu’unga hono tokangaekina: Fakafaingofua’i mo fakalele’i ‘a e tu’unga faka’enisinia ki he laini (network) pea fokotu’utu’u ha founga ki hono malu’i mo tokonga’i.
- Langaki e tu’unga ngaue: Tokanga makehe ki he tu’unga fakalakalaka ‘a e ‘ilo moe taukei ‘a e kau ngaue ke kei fakapapau’i aipe ‘a e malu mo e tu’uloa ‘a e ‘uhila.
‘Oku fakatokanga’i ‘e he Kautaha ‘Uhila ‘a Tonga ‘a e ngaahi faingata’a ku fepaki moe kau ma’u ‘uhila ‘i he matemate ‘a e ‘uhila. ‘Oku tu’unga heni ‘a e ngaahi palani ngaue fakavavevave mo mahu’inga kuo fokotu’utu’u koeni ‘e he Kautaha ‘Uhila. ‘Oku faka’amu ‘a e Kautaha ‘Uhila ‘a Tonga kemou mahino’i mo poupou ki he langa ngaue ‘oku fai ko e siofia ha tu’unga ‘oku toe lelei mo pau ange ki he’etau ma’u’anga ‘uhila.
Ko e fengaue’aki koeni moe kautaha Northpower ‘oku ne fakafofonga’i ‘a e sitepu mahu’inga ki he’emau ngaue atu koia ke kei fakapapa’u ‘oku kei ‘i ha tu’unga pau pea mo lelei ange ‘etau ‘uhila.
‘I he’etau ngaue fakataha, ‘e malava ketau langa ha fonua ‘oku maama ange mo pau ange ‘a e ‘uhila ‘i he kaha’u. ‘Oku mau matu’aki hounga’ia ‘i ho’omou ngaahi poupou kotoa pe kae malava ke a’usia ‘a e ngaahi taumu’a ngaue kotoa pe ki he fakalakalaka ‘a ‘etau ma’u’anga ‘uhila.