Project Summary

NNUP is the upgrade and modernization of the electricity network in the Nuku'alofa Area, in 5 phases which encompasses the 5 areas of Nuku'alofa. NNUP will help to reduce network losses, increase access to electricity, provide safe and reliable electricity supply to approximately 8,472 households and businesses in the greater Nuku'alofa area, and improve TPL's operating and maintenance capability.

Project Location


Project Benefits

-    Reduces Tonga’s reliance on diesel for power generation.
-    Improve the safety of the network, reducing the risk of injury and death
-    Increased network efficiency and reliability
-    Improve resilience of the network to withstand extreme weather conditions such as cyclones
-    New connections, with homes and businesses not previously connected to the grid
-    Reduce line faults
-    The inclusion of pre-payment metering to help families struggling with their monthly power bills
-    Recruitment and training of new linesmen and lineswomen
-    Purchase of locally grown and treated power poles for use in the project. 

Subsection 1: Project Documents 

This includes the following:

a. Project Administration Manual 

b. Procurement Plan 

c. Bid document 


Subsection 2: Gender Development 

This includes the following: 

2a. Gender Action Plan 

2b. Progress of Implementing Gender Action Plan 


Subsection 3: Environmental and Social Safeguards 

This includes the following:

3a.  Initial Environmental Examination 

3b.  Environmental and Social Monitoring Reports

3c. Community Consultation 

3d. Safeguards Site Visit 


Subsection 4: Physical Progress of the Project 

This will include the following:

4a. Progress of Q1- Q4 2023

4b. Progress of Q1 - Q4 2024

4c. Progress of Q1 - Q4 2025

4d. Progress of Q1 - Q4 2026